
Selective dissociative amnesia
Selective dissociative amnesia

Note: Dissociative amnesia frequently manifests as either generalized amnesia for identification and life history or localized or selective amnesia for one or more specific events.

  • An inability to recall significant autobiographical details, typically of a painful or distressing character, is inconsistent with ordinary forgetting.

    The DSM-5, the manual for diagnosing mental disorders that were published in 2013, provides the following diagnostic criteria: However, the person may recall semantic autobiographical details about the accident, such as the day, time, and weather. Episodic autobiographical details are linked to background information in episodic autobiographical accounts, such as what transpired in the moments before a traumatic occurrence. Autobiographical memory loss that occurs in episodes and is not consistent with normal forgetfulness is a symptom of DA. Disassociation, which may remain for a short while or years, causes a brief loss of recall memory, which is what the condition entails. The period individuals cannot recall can be between a few minutes and many years. The average duration of dissociative amnesia is less than a week, but it can continue anywhere from a few days to several years. It can manifest as a symptom of various other mental health disorders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder, dissociative identity disorder, somatoform disorder, and anxiety disorders therefore, in any of those circumstances, it would not be classified as a separate disorder. Dissociative amnesia is caused by a psychological condition rather than a physical injury to the brain or head.

    selective dissociative amnesia

    The most prevalent dissociative illness is dissociative amnesia (DA), one of three dissociative disorders defined under DSM-V. One such disorder is dissociative amnesia. However, when it starts occurring frequently, it takes the form of a disorder. In some cases, it is for a short duration, but in some other cases, it may be for a long duration. Amnesia comes in a variety of forms with numerous underlying reasons.

    Selective dissociative amnesia