I have re-introduced several keyboard shortcuts - among which the ones for moving to the next/prev marker - still missed, as well as the trackpad support for zoom-in/out and scrolling (you can use the mouse wheel as well).
Dsp quattro vs sonoris update#
and one more update just a few hours ago, now version 5.0.4. I'll be using V4 for the foreseeable future.Ĭuttime wrote:Two updates in 24 hours. Hopefully some of these will be solved or I am missing something (quite possible). Everything else, so far, for me anyway seem to be a step backward or more complicated. On the plus side, it's visually much more appealing and the type is definitely easier to read. Ditto for playlists which so far I don't see how you can just open it, do a quick edit and save as you could before. Another thing I do a lot is a quick edit of a wav file like just going in and correcting a marker typo and saving but now that's all embedded in a project which as near as I can see will add multiple extra steps to my workflow. I also used to be able to move back and forth in the timeline by clicking and holding the time numbers in the transport and dragging, but that doesn't work either. I used to be able to jump to markers in wav files with Command-K and Shift-Command-K which I used constantly and that doesn't work and I can't find any other way to do that. So far, for me, anything I have managed to figure out is a turn for the worse, although I understand it's early in the game. Hmm, Analizing might really come in handy. Maybe we can change that here.ĮDIT-The declick function is in the audio editor under Processing>Analize(sic) & Declick/Repair.

I sure would like to find a lot more info on v5, but there is precious little on the web at this point.
Dsp quattro vs sonoris upgrade#
Overall, it seems to be a work in progress, but for a $39 upgrade fee, it is a no-brainer. I haven't been able to find any denoise options. As noted on the website, there is supposed to be a new declicker algorithm, but I can't find it anywhere. The included plugins seem to be the exact same ones that were included in v4, but I haven't had a chance to compare them all. The preference section is massively streamlined, and I'm not sure it's for the better, because there don't seem to be any default file locations to choose. It would be nice if there were "skins" to choose from. Frankly it looks a lot like Logic at this point.

I think it looks a whole lot better now I really like the consolidated windows approach rather the the modular approach of v4. My initial impressions are good, even though I am futzing around blind without a manual.